On 2nd June 2019, BJP MLA of Andheri west Ameet Satam launched his book, ‘Rokhthok’ a compilation of speeches made by him in the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra. The book was inaugurated by Honorable CM of Maharashtra Shri Devendra Fadnavis in the presence of Ashish Shelar, Gajanan Kirtikar, and all the fellow party mates. In the launch event, Ameet Satam clarified his purpose behind writing this book, which was to show the people that the person they have elected is raising their issues and concerns in front of higher authorities. Let’s have a look at the first speech of that book.
The first winter session, Nagpur
Subject: Speaking on the proposal of education under Rule 1949,
The Honorable Education Minister has to make four suggestions
Education Proposal (Spiritual Education)
Mr. Speaker, while talking on the proposal for education under Rule 199, I only have to make four suggestions to the Honorable Education Minister. Any nation, state, or institution. The most important asset in any type of organization is manpower. Our entire education system is based on human resources. Over the past few years, I have seen mainly three shortcomings regarding this education policy. The first is the quality of education is declining. Secondly, due to the rising cost of education, our literacy rate in Maharashtra is ranked 12th.
Mr. President, our state ranks 12th in terms of education across the country. There are three different things about Literacy, Qualified and Educated Education. Today’s education system literates us. It Qualified You. But what makes you educated?
The word education is derived from the Latin Educe. This meant that to come from within, it was important to have our own development inside. This thing seems to be lacking in our education system. In large companies also I.Q And now a new matter has arrived S.Q. Which is, Spiritual Quotient which is required in such candidates.
Mr. President, Hon’ble Prime Minister of our country. Narendra Modi had suggested that June 7 should be celebrated as International “Yoga Day” *. This suggestion is accepted by the United Nations. On the same lines, I request that the subject of ‘Yoga ** be introduced in the syllabus of Maharashtra and it should be kept compulsory. This education proposal states that you are conducting university elections to develop leadership qualities. It is acceptable that you are going to start these elections, but it is important to make sure that such elections take place in a controlled environment. I request the Education Minister to keep the curriculum of public policy compulsory for the students who are participating in these elections. The Honorable Chief Minister had announced that the School of Planning and Architecture would be started in Aurangabad. I request from you the Honorable Education Minister that just as we are about to start the School of Planning and Architecture, the School of Government of Maharashtra should be started in Maharashtra. So that after the election of universities, young people who are interested in politics. They will get used to it. You should start this kind of training institute. I think that the foundation of this whole system of education is the teacher. Therefore, the training of teachers is essential. While training these teachers, My request is that they should bring a promotion policy based on the efficiency of the teachers.
As the Central Government has set up a separate Ministry for Skill Development. The skill of the young man should come out for the development of all the youth in Maharashtra, a good industry workforce should be created. I demand that the Government of Maharashtra should set up a District wise Skilled Development Center. So that these young people need to be trained in these industries, what kind of skills they need, so that they can be trained and create jobs. I believe that we will move towards a progressive Maharashtra. Mr. President, I’m obliged that I’ve been given an opportunity to speak at this platform, with this, I would like to end my speech.