Attended BJYM Abhyas Varga, wherein I talked about the failed policies of MyBmc and #MVA. Also speaking about the role of youth in political leadership.Read more
Inaugurated Loknete Gopinath Munde Smriti Krindaangan at C D Barfiwala Marg (Juhu Lane). This ground was done after a wait of 38 years. Local Corporator of Ward 67 Sudha Singh, Corporator of ward 68 Rohan Rathore, Corporator of ward 71 Aneesh Makwaaney and BJP Karyakarta’s were also present as this auspicious occasion. Read more
We did auspicious ceremony of coconut breaking for installation of 6 New water pipe line at Gulmohar Road to Tata Compound Road. At this time BJP Karykarta’s and local citizens were present. Read more
७३ व्या प्रजासत्ताक दिनानिमित्त आज सकाळी बजरंग मित्र मंडळ व सिनु बिल्डिंग सीडी बर्फीवाला मार्ग येथे ध्वजारोहण केले. याप्रसंगी इतर पदाधिकारी, कार्यकर्ते व रहिवासी उपस्थित होते. Read more
प्रजासत्ताक दिनानिमित्त वॉर्ड क्रमांक ६५ म्हातार पाडा येथील लहान मुलांसाठी आयोजित केलेल्या चित्रकला स्पर्धेच्या कार्यक्रमात उपस्थित होतो. सदर कार्यक्रम वॉर्ड मधील पदाधिकारी तसेच बूथ प्रमुखांच्या सहकार्याने यशस्वी झाला तसेच विभागातील जास्तीत जास्त मुलांनी उत्साहाने स्पर्धेत सहभाग घेतला. Read more
Under the leadership of former CM & LoP Maharashtra Assembly Devendra Fadnavis Ji, had a meeting along with the BJP Mumbai President Mangal Prabhat Lodha Ji, MP Gopal Shetty, MP Manoj Kotak, MLA Adv. AshishRead more
BJP OFFICE : Alankar, Lallubhai Park Road, Opposite Rajasthan Hostel, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400058