Attended the Annual Holi function of JVPD 14 Societies Association at JVPD Ground near Jamnabai School. Along with me, ex-corporator @aneeshmakwaaney Ji, BJP Padadhikaris, and Karyakartas were also present.Read more
Attended the Annual Holi function of JVPD 14 Societies Association at JVPD Ground near Jamnabai School. Along with me, ex-corporator @aneeshmakwaaney Ji, BJP Padadhikaris, and Karyakartas were also present.Read more
Yesterday I attended the Banaskata Rukhi Samaj function at Mangelawadi Juhu, Ward 71. Along with me, ex-corporator @aneeshmakwaaney Ji, BJP Padadhikaris, Karyakartas, and local citizens were also present.Read more
I was honored to deliver a keynote at Goat Talks, hosted at Westbury’s, The Club, to celebrate Women’s Day. The event was a tribute to women’s achievements, resilience, and profound contributions from all walks of life. I emphasized how their unique insights and unwavering dedication shape our world personally and professionally. I also paid respectRead more
63rd open space developed in Andheri West Inaugurated Joyland Park A Dumpyard converted into a beautiful garden for local residence at Amboli. Along with me, BJP Padhadhikaris, Karyakartas and local residents were also present.Read more
टाटा कंपाऊंड येथे माझ्या आमदार निधीतून तयार करण्यात आलेल्या महिला सक्षमीकरण केंद्राचे आज आंतरराष्ट्रीय महिला दिनाच्या निमित्ताने उद्घाटन झाले. महिला बचत गटाच्या अध्यक्षा वृषालीताई जाधव यांच्या मार्गदर्शनात व नेतृत्वाखाली या ठिकाणी महिलांकरिता विविध कौशल्य विकासाचे कार्यक्रम राबविले जातील.Read more
🗓️ ०६ -०३ -२०२५, दिवस चौथा 📍 विधानभवन, मुंबई महाराष्ट्र राज्य विधीमंडळ अर्थसंकल्पीय अधिवेशन २०२५Read more
🗓️ ०५ -०३ -२०२५, दिवस तिसरा 📍 विधानभवन, मुंबई महाराष्ट्र राज्य विधीमंडळ अर्थसंकल्पीय अधिवेशन २०२५Read more
🗓️ ०४-०२-२०२५, दिवस दुसरा 📍 विधानभवन, मुंबई महाराष्ट्र राज्य विधीमंडळ अर्थसंकल्पीय अधिवेशन २०२५Read more
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