Today I felicitated and gave a cheque to Ashish Yadav, resident of Ward 71 Juhu, for winning a gold medal for India in the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin. You have made us proud. Continue bringing such medals to our country.Read more
Today I felicitated and gave a cheque to Ashish Yadav, resident of Ward 71 Juhu, for winning a gold medal for India in the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin. You have made us proud. Continue bringing such medals to our country.Read more
जय हरी विठ्ठल, श्री हरी विठ्ठल..! आज आषाढी एकादशीनिमित्त जुहू कोळीवाडा येथील विठ्ठल मंदिरात जाऊन विठ्ठल रखुमाईचे मनोभावे दर्शन घेत सर्वांच्या सुख, समृद्धी आणि आरोग्यासाठी विठुराया चरणी प्रार्थना केली. यावेळी माझ्यासोबत नगरसेवक श्री. @AneeshMakwaaney जी यांच्यासह भाजपाचे इतर पदाधिकारी, कार्यकर्ते उपस्थित होते.Read more
Met eminent citizens of Jain Samaj and presented to them a booklet of 9 years of @narendramodi govt and had a good interactive session with them. #SamparkSeSamarthan#9YearsOfSevaRead more
Today hosted and attended the round table discussion which was held at Worli to mark the occasion of 9 Years Achievement of BJP Government which was chaired by Union Minister Shri. @nitin_gadkariJi. Along with me, BJP Mumbai President Shri.@ShelarAshish Ji, MLC Shri. @mipravindarekar Ji, BJP Leaders and various dignitaries were also present. Additionally, the book “The Blueprint OfRead more
Today did an inspection of the progress of work of the new BMC swimming pool at Gilbert Hill, Andheri West. The swimming pool work is nearly in completion and will be operational in less than 2 months which will be managed by @mybmc itself. आज अंधेरी पश्चिम येथील गिल्बर्ट हिल येथे नवीन बीएमसी जलतरण तलावाच्या कामाच्याRead more
Today had a detailed discussion with Management team of #CooperHospital to understand the needs and have demanded the following points written in the below letter to Municipal Comissioner @IqbalSinghChah2 Ji. Read more
मा. पंतप्रधान श्री. @narendramodi जी यांच्या नेतृत्वामध्ये मोदी सरकारला ९ वर्ष पूर्ण झाली या निमित्त “मोदी @9” अभियानांतर्गत आज अंधेरी पश्चिम विद्यानिधी स्कुल येथे टिफीन बैठकीचे आयोजन करण्यात आले होते. यावेळी उपस्थित पदाधिकारी, बूथ प्रमुख आणि शक्तिकेंद्र प्रमुखांसह घरच्या जेवणाचा आस्वाद घेतला.Read more
BJP OFFICE : Alankar, Lallubhai Park Road, Opposite Rajasthan Hostel, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400058